Port of Newcastle has now closed its Your Port, Our Community grants application process for 2023/2024. Pleasingly, we received a large number of grant applications and thank the community groups across our footprint who took time to apply to potentially receive a share in up to $100,000 of available Your Port, Our Community funding.

The program aims to extend financial support to local projects and initiatives that align with the Port’s corporate social responsibility values, support local community, raise Port of Newcastle’s profile and help to strengthen relationships with key stakeholders.

Port of Newcastle may offer grants to an individual, group, commercial entity or a not-for-profit organisation provided the sponsorship aligns with the priorities of the program and the proposal meets the relevant selection criteria.

Annually, applications are welcomed across the following three categories:

How is grant selection decided?

All eligible grant applications will be assessed by a panel of Port employees and select members of the Port’s Community Liaison Group according to the criteria of each category. Any conflicts of interest must be declared prior to the judging process.

When will I know the outcome of my application?

Applications closed on Friday 19 January at 5pm. Judging will take place in early February, with applicants to be notified of the outcome by 28 February 2024.

For further information please email
